Category Archives: 70 Days of Sweat Writing Challenge

Mid Week Stuff

Sometimes the weeks just fly by. It’s hump day already!

Go visit my pal Gena Showalter! She’s talking about Riding Wild today and you have a chance to win the book!

I’m busily Sweating with Sven (the 70 day writing challenge), so pretty much have my head down and hands on the keyboard, churning out word count. The book is going pretty well so far, thankfully. I need to finish the rough draft by the end of this month, because I need to start another one right away. Ack. Busy busy here.

I also spent some time yesterday brainstorming a book with my Berkley editor. That was fun. And we did some rewriting of back cover copy for one of my Wild Riders books. Also fun stuff and a nice break from writing.

Anyone watching American Idol? I’ll be glad when they whittle the field down a bit. Some of these people are painful to watch. I already have a few favorites. The guys were on last night. Some were good, others…not so good. Can’t wait to see the girls tonight.

And did anyone watch the first season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Omg I loved that show! It’s a takeoff on the Terminator movies, and absolutely true to the movie ARC. Biker Dude and I really enjoyed it. Summer Glau was fantastic as a terminator. I hope they renew it for a new season. I want more!

And yes, I write at night while watching TV…my day is long. :giggle:

What’s up with y’all this week?

The 70 Days of Sweat Writing Challenge Starts Today!

Today is the first day of the 70 Days of Sweat Writing Challenge?

Did you sign up? If not, you still can. Click here. There are over 200 writers signed up for this challenge. We’re all going to suffer together. Sounds fun, huh?

The kickoff post is here, along with all the rules and when you have to check in.

I love this challenge. This is round 3 and I have participated each time. It really helps me reach my writing goal. There’s something about saying you’re going to do something, and then being accountable, that makes it more real. Of course I’m contracted and have to meet my deadlines whether I want to or not (believe me, sometimes it’s not), but still, knowing there are other writers out there doing the same thing I’m doing at the exact same time somehow makes it easier. We’re not really alone in this, though sometimes it seems that way.

I actually started my own internal challenge in mid-February. I set my goal of 2000 words a day and so far I’ve hit it almost every day–I missed the goal two days this week, so I’ll making up my word count by working over the weekend. I try to take weekends off, but I take my goals seriously, so since I didn’t hit my word count goal for the week (10K per week), I’ll be hitting the writing this weekend.)

Now that the writing challenge has begun, (please note Sven on the sidebar….scary isn’t he?) I’m thinking of increasing my daily word count goal. I like to push myself, and frankly I know I can do more.

For all you writers out there, do you challenge yourself? Have you joined the 70 Day Writing Challenge? Do you motivate yourself by joining groups, or do you go it alone?

Off to meet my word count goal for the week, so I can have the rest of my weekend free.


Yes, It’s Friday, Writing Challenge, Shiny Things and Television

I actually had to ask this morning what day it was. Think it’s been a long week? :doh:

For all you writers out there, have you signed up for the 70 Day Writing Challenge yet? Come on, Sweat with Sven. You know you want to. I’m one of the sponsors again, along with Shiloh Walker, Lauren Dane, HelenKay Dimon, Diana Peterfreund, Larissa Ione and Portia Da Costa. It’s fun to suffer en masse. :giggle: It begins on March 1st so there’s still time to sign up. I’ve actually already started with my self-imposed 2000 words a day writing goal. I’ve hit that goal every day so far, though some days it’s late into the night before I hit it. But I have deadlines. Ugly deadlines. In order to meet those deadlines I know exactly how much I have to write every day to have each book finished within a certain time period. For The Darkest Temptation, the Demon Hunters book I’m working on now, it’s 2000 words a day. No excuses. I can’t wait for the challenge to begin so others will suffer with me. :devil:

Admittedly, hitting 2000 words a day isn’t that difficult for me. I’m just easily distracted by shiny things, like blog hopping, General Hospital, chatting online with friends, reality TV. Plus there always seems to be a million other things I need to do besides writing. I’m judging an RWA contest for example. That takes time. And I’m always working on promotion angles for my books, both current and upcoming. Did I mention television? I love television. This season for some reason I’m really hooked on reality tv. I love American Idol, of course, found the first week kind of meh as far as the talent. I also love Project Runway, Make Me A Supermodel, can’t wait for America’s Next Top Model to start again (I didn’t miss it did I?), and don’t even get me started on all the fun shows on TruTV, like Cops, The Investigators and Forensic Files. Um, I call all those ‘research’.

I know, I know. Less TV, more hitting word count goal. :badgirl: . Now that the writer’s strike is over, I’m going to be royally screwed when my favorite shows come back. I might as well give up sleeping.

Are you a tv watcher? Are you hooked on any reality tv like me? If so, what? If not, what do you watch? Tell me I’m not alone in my addiction.

Oh, and does anyone besides me watch General Hospital? I have so much to bitch about with the current storylines…..

Off to make word count for the day. Shiny things are calling to me. :glee: