Category Archives: 70 Days of Sweat Writing Challenge

Monday Update

How was everyone’s weekend?

The Boo Ha Ha parade was fun. Except for riding the bike in it. Lots of clutching and not riding (for Biker Dude, not for me. I just ride, since I’m on the back :giggle:). Parades move slow, ya know. Hundreds of kids though. Fun stuff! And they seemed to enjoy the bikers riding by. We had fun doing that. I enjoyed seeing all the kids dressed up in Halloween costumes lining the road. They were adorable. And bike riding is always fun, no matter what you’re doing. Weather was gorgeous.

70 Days of Sweat writing challenge is going well. Of course I lost 3 days last week due to galley reviews, but still managed 6000 words of good solid writing on RIDING TEMPTATION, so we’re rockin on the book now. As long as nothing else non-writing wise comes knocking at my door, I hope for some smooth sailing to the finish line. I really need some uninterrupted writing time in a major way. I hope to really crank up the word count this week.

So other than work, Halloween, and grocery shopping, I’m writing this week. Nothing but writing. What’s on your agenda?