Category Archives: Life in Motion

Weekend Wrap-up

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We bought trees and bushes for the back yard. The drought the past couple of years has taken out a few of our trees, so several needed replacing. We also took a ride on the Harley, giving me a chance to test out the new earbuds I bought. Two thumbs up (or is it two ears up?) on those.

I also had a chance to play with our camera. We bought this awesome Canon camera last year, but you know, I take a lot of pictures with my iPhone, because I’m lazy like that. But I wanted a good camera because we have a lot of birds, squirrels, etc in our yard in the summer, and the iPhone just doesn’t capture nature like that.

So I got this photo of a scissortail flycatcher sitting on our back fence. Isn’t he beautiful?



And Biker Dude captured one of him flying. Love these birds.


And now I have mounds of work to catch up on, so I’m grounded, unlike the bird above. *sigh*


New Year, Goals and A New Blog

Happy New Year! Yes, I’m a day late with wishes. I spent yesterday vegetating, watching football and making soup. I don’t think I even combed my hair. I hope you all enjoyed your New Years celebrations, and I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.

I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be participating in a new blog. Romancing The Jock launched yesterday. It’s a blog by romance authors who love sports and the men who play them. We’ve launched with a contest featuring awesome prizes, so head on over and meet all the authors participating, and enter the launch contest for a chance to win.

Do you all make goals or resolutions for the new year? I typically try not to make resolutions, because I tend to blow them by February. But I am going to try to be more physically active this year, especially since writing requires a lot of time sitting on my butt, which isn’t healthy for me. I also need to do a lot more reading. I love my job, but it sucks up much of my time, and the main reason I became a writer was because I loved reading. I didn’t do nearly as much reading last year as I would have liked. So as far as goals, those are my two biggest. More exercise and more reading. What are yours for this year?




Spring Stuff!!

I’m on deadline, so I’m afraid I have nothing interesting to say. But I have pictures of spring springing at my house!

My peonies are just getting ready to open. Another few days should do it, I think.

I love my clematis this year. It’s already blooming and oh so pretty, don’t you think?

But one of the sweetest things about our Clematis is the robin’s nest in the middle of it. Mama Robin let me get close enough to snap a shot of her this morning. Isn’t she adorable and fierce looking?

There are also birds nesting in the undercarriage of our old Jeep, but I’m not crawling under there to snap a picture. Still, they’re very adorable, even if we do have to park the Jeep until the babies fly away. *sigh* The things we do for new life around here. 😉

I’d take photos of the vegetable garden, but not much to show yet since we just planted everything a week ago. Hopefully it won’t be a horrible summer like last summer where it was a million degrees and everything shriveled up and died. Except my jalapeños, which apparently thrive at a million degrees.

How are your trees and shrubs and flowers doing?