I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We bought trees and bushes for the back yard. The drought the past couple of years has taken out a few of our trees, so several needed replacing. We also took a ride on the Harley, giving me a chance to test out the new earbuds I bought. Two thumbs up (or is it two ears up?) on those.
I also had a chance to play with our camera. We bought this awesome Canon camera last year, but you know, I take a lot of pictures with my iPhone, because I’m lazy like that. But I wanted a good camera because we have a lot of birds, squirrels, etc in our yard in the summer, and the iPhone just doesn’t capture nature like that.
So I got this photo of a scissortail flycatcher sitting on our back fence. Isn’t he beautiful?
And Biker Dude captured one of him flying. Love these birds.
And now I have mounds of work to catch up on, so I’m grounded, unlike the bird above. *sigh*