That always sounds like I’m starting up some new workout program.
Alas, no. Sweating (I originally typed ‘swearing’…heh. There’ll probably be tons of that going on during the next 70+ days :giggle: ) with Sven is the 70 Day Writing Challenge going on here. It starts today and if you want to join in, there’s still time. Hop on over and join up, then start writing!
If you look over on my sidebar (providing you’re actually on my blog and not reading from a feed), you’ll see my progress meter for RIDING THE EDGE. It’s the shiny new novella (the one I’ve completely plotted…twice. But we won’t get into that right now. grrrrrr). I’m starting it today. It’ll be the 4th Wild Riders book and it’s tentatively scheduled for release in November next year. Hopefully you’ll see the word count numbers for that novella progressing rapidly.
Because as soon as I finish that novella, I have another I need to write. I’ll tell you all about that one…um…soon. :sasmokin:
Writing through the holidays. Such fun. Every year I swear I’m not going to do it again. And every single year I have a holiday deadline. How does that keep happening? Anyone? Bueller?