Yes, I still have prize winners to pick from last week’s love fest of my book release. Bear with me. I haven’t forgotten )
So Saturday Biker Dude and I had an actual, honest to God day off together. I stayed off the internet (*gasp*…shocking, but true). We went out to breakfast, did a little shopping and saw HUNTING THE DEMON on the New Release shelf at Borders! :boobie:. I grabbed the books and signed them. Wooo hooo!. Then we came home and took a bike ride and watched 300.
Anyway, here’s where the plans went awry….I had intended to spend Saturday night and Sunday doing final editing on The Demon’s Touch so I could turn the book into my editor next week. Saturday night Biker Dude goes outside to feed the dogs and Buddy, who had his ACL surgery 4 weeks ago, isn’t coming over to him. Buddy isn’t getting up. Buddy can’t get up. Buddy can’t walk. :dammit:. So Biker Dude had to pick up and haul all 90 lbs of Buddy into the house. This morning we took Buddy into the vet (who I’m sure was thrilled with the emergency call on a holiday weekend. But hey, we didn’t call at midnight last night. We were conisderate). Vet thinks it’s either his OTHER leg this time (oh joy) or maybe his hips. But she’s not the orthopedic doc. They’ll be in Tuesday. So armed with new pain pills, we took Buddy home where he still isn’t walking. Makes for agonizing trips outside when Buddy has to pee. Biker Dude is doing a ton of weight lifting this weekend.
Fun stuff. Not. :doglick: