Saturday Saturday Saturday

Have Elton John singing in my head this morning.

And a headache. Probably brought about by too little sleep since Charlie went to a bike event in Arkansas yesterday and came home really late and of course I had to wait up. He brought me a shirt, though. Wicked cool shirt, too. :charlie:

I finished editing A Demon Is Forever…mostly. I need to tweak a few things at the end. I could probably go through it ad nauseum over and over and over again and it still wouldn’t be perfect…so it’s time to send that baby off to my editor and let her tear it up.

So today I’ll be putting the final touches on ADIF, doing some laundry (is there ever a day I DON’T do laundry?) and then starting on my Berkley novella. And somewhere in there I need a really good nap.

What’s on everyone’s agenda this fine Saturday?