A few items:
Operation Auction, the auction for our romance community member Fatin, is loaded with some amazing items. If you want to see some of the incredible things going up for bid when the auction starts on March 27th, check it out here and start making your list. Something for everyone!
And speaking of awesome, editor Angela James will be teaching her online self-editing workshop, “Before You Hit Send”. It’s a three week bootcamp of some of the best self-editing I’ve ever had. I’ve taken the course twice. I’ve been writing a long time, and believe me, no matter how good you think you are at editing your own book, you can sometimes forget the basics, or no matter how much you think you know, you might be missing some things that will make your book better. I highly recommend this detailed, informative workshop. Click here for details and registration.
I had a great conversation with my Berkley editor yesterday about the Play-by-Play sports series. We finalized a title for the hockey book which will now be known as TAKING A SHOT. This will be Jenna’s book for those who are wondering. TAKING A SHOT will release in February, 2012. Yay! We also discussed the fourth book in the series, at least as far as which sport I’ll be doing. But I’ll leave you guessing on that part for now. Yes, I’m a tease that way.
The DABWAHA tournament voting is up and running! Even if you didn’t register for the DABWAHA tournament, you can join in the fun and get your vote on. New books to vote on every 12 hours, so get to voting!