I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or in whatever way you celebrate!
We had a great Christmas here. And now I’m glad it’s over. As is my tradition, I took down all the decorations the day after Christmas, put them all away and put my house back to normal again. By this time of year I am so over the holiday I don’t even want to see anything red and green again for another year. But hey, the presents were nice! Heh.
My best gifts were framed photos of family sent by both my boys. They’re already up on the wall of family photos in my living room. I miss the kids (the grown ones and the little ones) a lot, so having photos always helps keep them close. And with us in Oklahoma and both boys and their families out in California, photos and videos are the best gifts ever. Fortunately college girl spent Christmas Day with us and we enjoyed having her around. She’s usually at school or busy working or with her social life when she is home, so having a day with her was extra special.
Now I’m back to work on revisions for HEART OF A KILLER. My MIRA editor sent me an extra special gift right before Christmas–a sneak peek at the cover for the book. It’s so awesome. I can’t wait to share it with you! But first I have to get back to work and finish the book!
Share any special gifts you received. Did anyone get e-readers for Christmas?