Giving Thanks


Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and I’d like to take a moment to give thanks for a few very important things in my life and my career.

My husband, my children and my family, who keep it real for me every day and remind me of the differences between this lovely fantasy land I play in and the reality that is dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, dust bunnies, the marvel that is my children as they move through their adulthood, the abject joy of cuddling my grandchildren, and the pure bliss of holding hands with the man of my dreams.

My friends (and you all know who you are), who put up with my whining, hand wringing, idiosyncrasies and general lunacies and love me anyway.

My agent and editors who gave me the opportunity to do what I love most.

And last but absolutely not least, my readers, without whom I’d never be able to do what I love most. It’s because you find something in my books that keeps you coming back for more that allows me to keep writing more, and for that I’m humbly grateful, because without you I wouldn’t have this amazing career. Thank you so much.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, I wish you joy and love and warmth. If you’re traveling, please do so safely.
