Feast or Famine

You know how it goes. There’s either a crapload of stuff going on, or nothing at all.

I’m in crapload mode. Some good things, some eh…not sure whether they’re good or bad things. Remains to be seen. All I know is suddenly I have several things and projects looming over me and of course they all need be dealt with RIGHT NOW. :gah:

But I guess it’s better than having nothing to do and tapping my fingers on my desk wishing I had a life. And a career.

So my laptop power cord died the other day. Omg talk about crisis. Battery power only lasts so long ya know. Fortunately Biker Dude was out of town at the time, so I commandeered (how the hell do you spell that?) his. And instead of ordering a new cord from Dell, Angie told me to order one of these instead. It does seem a lot more versatile, but omg when I opened the package, all this…stuff…fell out. Cordage and tips and more cords and things and dude…I’m so not tech oriented. Thank God it came with a visual map, that’s all I’m sayin’. :giggle:

But it works and my laptop is powered up again and I’m happy! One crisis down.

This afternoon I’m off to the eye doctor for an eye exam, hopefully get new glasses and I’m coveting some prescription  WileyX sunglasses for the bike. :boobie:

Don’t forget my ARC contest continues through this week. It’s the post below this one!