Ah, my favorite topic.
I have ARCs to read. I have great friends. They send me ARCs of their upcoming books. I wuv them. :boobie:
I typically have a ginormous TBR pile, and I’m really making a concerted effort to do more reading these days, even though I’m always knee-deep in writing deadlines, because I think reading is so important. I need to step away from the computer and sink into a story that isn’t my own. It refreshes my brain and helps me shut down the stress.
So here’s what I have on hand, ARC-wise:
Nalini Singh’s CARESSED BY ICE – Releasing next month and I’m reading it right now. I LOVE Nalini’s Psy/Changeling series!
Sydney Crofts UNLEASHING THE STORM , releasing in 2008. (Their debut book, RIDING THE STORM, releases this month. It utterly rocks and y’all HAVE to buy it!)
Jackie Kessler’s THE ROAD TO HELL – already read this but since Jackie rocks she sent me an ARC anyway. This is a very sexy, wickedly funny succubus series. If you haven’t met Jezebel in her first book, HELLS BELLES, you really should. I loved it. Oh, and I did a cover quote for ROAD TO HELL :sasmokin:
Gena Showalter’s THE DARKEST NIGHT – Her new Lords Of The Underworld series debuting next year! I’m so excited to read this! I love Gena!
Lara Adrian’s MIDNIGHT AWAKENING – The third book in her bestselling Midnight Breed series. This book releases at the end of November. I just finished this ARC. Omg, it was amazing. Tegan was bone-meltingly sexy.
I also have an ARC of Tara Janzen’s ON THE LOOSE, that I snagged at RWA.
Which reminds me that I haven’t yet listed all the books I had signed for me at RWA. I brought back a ton of books, gave a lot away, but kept quite a few that I had signed to me. Keepers, ya know :giggle:
My TBR pile is a mountain. But I love reading. :heart:
What are y’all reading?