And no, you can’t avoid it. Sorry. Time to go to work.
I finished my copyedits for Wild, Wicked and Wanton, made a copy of the manuscript, so today I have to ship that baby back to Berkley. Yes! Another project off my desk.:cheer:
Went back to working on revisions for Hunting the Demon this weekend. It’s going…well. That worries me when things go well, especially revisions. Makes me think I’m doing something wrong. *snort*
Yesterday Charlie and I spent almost the entire day on the bike. It was rather chilly outside and windy. But I bought chaps last week so this time my legs didn’t freeze. Plus I had a tank top, long sleeve shirt, hoodie and my Harley jacket on. Yes, I hate cold weather. I was plenty warm. We did a bike toy run again with about 750 bikers. Woo hoo those are fun! :charlie:
So this week’s to do list:
1. Reschedule hair appointment (Ugh. Had to cancel last week’s due to cold from hell)
2. Make some serious progress on revisions to Hunting the Demon
3. Give away an ARC of Surviving Demon Island on my blog (hehehe)
Stay tuned for details of #3. That is, if y’all want an ARC.
So what’s on everyone’s to do list this week?