Cool Stuff

I got very cool news over the weekend. WILD WICKED & WANTON came in first place in the More Than Magic contest sponsored by Romance Writer’s Ink! :boobie: I was very excited, especially since I had some stellar competition in my category, with books by amazingly talented authors Sasha White, Karin Tabke and Sharon Page.

Had a really nice weekend. #2 son arrived from California late Friday night. I only get to see him once a year since he teaches high school and only gets summers off, so it’s always so great when he gets here. Even nicer this year is that since #1 son moved here, this is the first year in a very long time that both my boys are here at the same time. So Father’s Day yesterday they were both here, along with our daughter and granddaughter and my mother in law came too.

Isn’t this a great pic of us with our kids?

Kevin(#1 Son), Michelle, Ashley (our daughter), Biker Dude, Me, Matt (#2 Son)
Our daughter in law had to work yesterday, so she’s missing. But we’re supposedly having a family picture taken tomorrow (providing it doesn’t rain) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Of course, it’s raining this morning and it’s not looking so great for Tuesday. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

I did no writing all weekend. :titanic: I so need to work my ass off all week. Fortunately, #2 son is happy to just sit at the table with me and play computer games while I work. I :heart: him.

Off to work with me. What’s on your agenda this week?