Our daughter came over this weekend to give Lucy, our Aussie Shephard/Lab mix a shave. Lucy has an abundance of thick hair, and she gets really hot in the summer. That’s why she has to have her own swimming pool (think mini pool–cheap and plastic). If we’d move Lucy to the frozen tundra of Iceland, she’d be one happy camper. This winter when there was two feet of snow and ice on the ground and the temps dropped to well below freezing, we brought the outside dogs in at night to keep them warm in the heated house. Yeah, Lucy wanted none of that. She begged to go outside so she could lay out on the ice. I think her internal thermostat is messed up. 😉
But isn’t she just adorable with her new shorter do?
The vegetable garden is growing like crazy. Nothing like hot temperatures and a lot of rain to get things going.
Our tomato plants and potatoes. There are also green peppers growing in there, but no way can you see them.
Our zucchini and yellow squash take over half this garden. The rest are peppers and herbs and a few onions. And we’ve been fighting squash bugs…ugly beetle looking things. Bleh. Hate bugs. We’ve got them on the run now, though.
Our onion plants look like they’re about to give birth. Heh.
And a final shot…yes, this is what she likes to do…sit practically right on my feet. (But that face…so irresistible)