Apple Owns Us


We bought an iPad this weekend. When they first came out, I thought they were nothing more than a giant iTouch, and since Biker Dude already has one of those, I figured, eh. No need for one.

Yeah. So much for that. I have mad love for this thing. I read almost exclusively digitally now, mainly on my iPhone, which is plenty comfortable me, but I took the iPad to bed with me Saturday night. I had been reading a book on my Kindle app on the iPhone, opened the Kindle app on the iPad and it opened to the page I left off on on the iPhone. (I do so love the wonders of technology.) The page, of course, was bigger, and reading was awesome.

Biker Dude really likes the iPad too. He plays a lot of games on his iTouch, and the games are bigger on the iPad. I can see the two of us fighting over the iPad. Heh. I’d really like to get him into digital reading, so I loaded some books for him. We’ll see. So far he’s been resistant, but I’m persistent.

And there’s this racing game on the iPad that just a hundred kinds of fun. Plus I can load all my bookcovers on the iPad and use it to showcase my books during booksignings.

I haven’t even begun to play with it. If you own an iPad, what fun things to do you do on it?

So now we have an iMac desktop, a Macbook, an iPhone, an iTouch, and an iPad. Our wireless router is even by Apple. Think Apple officially owns us now. :hide: