#2 Son has descended from California with his dog and will be visiting for a couple weeks, always a great time of year for me because I love having him here. He’s a high school teacher so summer is the only time we get to see him. I can’t even begin to explain how enjoyable it is to have him around. Even though I have to work, he tosses his laptop on the table across from mine, does his thing while I do mine, and we work companionably together, occasionally stopping to talk to each other. He’s a great kid…okay, so he’ll be 28 this year and so not a kid anymore. :giggle:
Working on the new book. Found out something about my heroine that rocked me back on my heels and will force me to take my book in an unexpected direction. That’s always fun when that happens. And no, I don’t always know everything about my characters until I sit down and start writing them. As I do, they reveal bits and pieces of their backgrounds to me. This was a big one and will provide a huge twist in this book that I hadn’t expected, but I think will deepen the emotional conflict between my characters. Yay!
In other news, TAKEN BY SIN releases next Tuesday, the 23rd! I’ll pop up an excerpt tomorrow. In the meantime, go read Greta’s review Thank you Greta!
This week, I’ll be visiting with the son, writing writing writing….and uh….writing.
Oh, and watching my usual way too much of reality tv. The Bachelorette and So You Think You Can Dance are my two favorites for this summer. Anyone else watching these?
What’s on tap for y’all this week?