Today I’m giving away an autographed ARC (Advance Reader/Review Copy) of RIDING ON INSTINCT!
To read the blurb, an excerpt, and for more info on RIDING ON INSTINCT, click here
To find out more about the Wild Riders series, click here
To be entered to win this book, here’s what you have to do. There was some discussion on Twitter this weekend about author websites. People were talking likes and dislikes, what drives them crazy about author websites (music anyone? gah…one of my personal pet peeves about author websites), and what they love. So tell me what would make the perfect author website for you, and some of the things that drive you batshit crazy about some of the sites you’ve visited. And hey, if you want to take a look around my site and tell me what you love and hate about it, I’ll be happy to be the guinea pig. I’m always open to feedback, both good and bad.
Please don’t panic if your comment doesn’t appear right away. Some comments are being moderated and I’ll grab them and release them.
Because my blog is being a giant pain in the ass and holding comments in moderation and in spam and it takes me a bit to go find them, I’m going to choose winners at the end of every week, on Saturday, instead of every day. So check back every Saturday to see if you’re one of the weekly book winners. Because I’m not going to hunt the winners down. You have to come here to see if you’ve won and then contact me with your info (Other than ARCS being sent by the authors offering them, I’ll be shipping all the winning books directly from Amazon). Otherwise, come back every day for a new book giveaway. And don’t forget the grand prize contest plus all the rules about the daily contest giveaways here