RWA Friday

Had a great day today. Lunch with my Bantam Dell editor Shauna Summers again, editorial assistant Jessica Sebor, along with authors Steph and Larissa aka Sydney Croft, and Linnea Sinclair, Jenna Black, Mary Blaney, and Eden Bradley

Then I had the Berkley Publisher signing, which was awesome(pics below). My books were gone in a half hour. Tons of people there (no doubt because Nora was signing. Nora rocks ya know :giggle:)

Publisher cocktail parties tonight, Random House and Berkley. And omg omg omg I met THE Judith McNaught! She is the classiest, most wonderful woman ever. She hung out with me the longest time, even taking me around introducing me to people. She truly is an incredible woman, and of course one of the best authors ever. Squeee!!!!!

Okay, pics after the jump

The Berkley signing. I had long lines! Wooo hooo!

Fellow Berkley Heat author and my pal Shayla Black. Love her. Love her books. You must read them. She’s also Shelley Bradley. Love her too :giggle:

My Berkley editor Kate Seaver!

The Smart Bitches! Sarah on the left and Candy on the right. These women rock!

Fellow Demon Hunter author Julie Kenner, author of the demon hunting soccer mom series, one of my absolute favorites!

Me, Larissa and Steph, all dressed up for the Bantam Dell cocktail party

Sybil, from the Good, The Bad and The Unread! She’s so sweet!

THE Judith McNaught! Squeeee!!!!

I finally found Colleen Gleason!

Reader Terri! So glad to meet her here!

Angie and I showing off our dresses

I’m still exhausted. And my feet hurt. So does my back. I don’t do heels.