So blogger was being a giant pain in the ass yesterday and I couldn’t post anywhere. Bleh.
Anyway, a huge thank you to everyone who came to my chat at The Knight Agency last night! I had a blast! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was a great turn out and I can’t wait to do it again. 🙂
Been working steadily on this novella from hell all week and should wrap it up today (thank GOD!). This has been a true learning experience for me because I wrote this novella completely blind, from scratch and without a plan. I’m going to blog about plotting vs non-plotting very soon. *g*
#2 son is flying in tomorrow morning from California. Squeee! Haven’t seen him in almost a year. Squeeee! Can’t wait! Squeee!!!
Annnnd…the Paradise Cookbook is now available on my website for FREE download! The ladies from my chat group as well as some authors and editors generously contributed recipes and Angie and her crew of helpful elves compiled them in a cookbook format, which is now formatted and available for download. Click here to go grab it. Hey, it’s FREE and it’s huge! What more could you want, huh?
Happy Friday!!!