Ugh. It’s Monday again. I had a fabulous birthday weekend! Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I laid around like a sloth and did nothing. To me that’s fun and oh, did I need that. And Charlie bought me a silver necklace from Tiffany’s to go with the silver earrings from Tiffany’s he got me for Valentine’s Day. All is right in my world *g*
The TO DO list for the week:
Get worldbuilding stuff to editor for approval
Start rewrite on Demon Island
Work on Berkley book
Finish reading RITA books
Make hotel reservations for trip this weekend
Make reservations to board puppies this weekend
Package up ‘stuff’ for post office mailing. Books for prize winners, books to enter contest, yada yada.
Can I stop now? eeek!
What’s on your list for the week?