Random States of “Meh”-ness

Maybe it’s the weather….I mean it’s August in Oklahoma and it’s been freakin raining here for like a week and a half. What’s up with that? Like 5 inches of rain. That’s unheard of in dust bowl land here. Not that I’m complaining. The plants and trees are most happy about it.

Maybe it’s stress. You know, the proposal is in the hands of my agent who has sent it to publishers, some of whom have actually asked to see it. Okay. Cool. So now I wait. Tap tap tap.

And then I have the faerie book I’m finishing up for EC. Sigh. Yeah, it’s almost finished. I’m soooo ready for this book to be finished.

And then I’m waiting for edits for the vampire/werewolf/menage book that Charlie and I co-wrote for EC. tap tap tap.

And then after I finish the faerie book there’s a dragon novella I have to write for EC that’s due like November 1. Urgh.

Oh and I also have to write more on the proposal book, since I’m sure my agent would like to think I’m actually working on that. Which I am. Honest. In between all these other freakin’ projects.

Oh and I’d also like to find time to read in there somewhere. I’m in the middle of a fantastic Linda Howard book that I’D LIKE TO FREAKIN FINISH, DAMMIT!

Oh and maybe have a life in there somewhere.

And then there are the new puppies, which is a lot like having a new baby in the house, except for the lack of diapers *g*

Oh and the stupid day job is really damn busy right now, too. So not even any time to write there, either.

See what I mean? Meh. Which to me means just total stress. Too many things going on and too many deadlines. Again.

Why do I let this happen?