Holy Crap!

It’s been one of those weeks. Crisis central, book deadlines looming, and struggling to get galleys done too.

Well, galleys are done. Finished those up this morning. Thank. God. One project off my list.

I’m behind on my book writing. Had to stop on Monday to do some research. Research=fun, but also time consuming. Then we hit a major crises so that took care of yesterday. Bleh. I have to write. But the book isn’t going to be finished this week like I thought. 😥 Fortunately I have some built in padding to those drop dead deadlines, and the book I’m going to be working on during the month of April will be a piece of cake (so she thinks :giggle: )

Do you ever have one of those weeks where the shit just hits the fan?

Send chocolate. Ship sinking. Help! :chair: