Pics – Wednesday – RWA

Tired of seeing pictures yet?

Too bad. Here’s more :giggle:

The Bantam Babes – Lara Adrian, Me, Stephanie Tyler and Larissa Ione (Steph and Larissa write together as Sydney Croft for Bantam). No, we didn’t plan our outfits for dinner tonight. Great minds think alike?

The genius behind our Bantam Dell books – our editor.
On the far left is Jessica, Bantam Dell editorial assistant. Then Larissa and Steph, our Bantam Dell editor Shauna Summers, Lara Adrian and Me.

Dinner tonight was great. I’m having a wonderful time here. Omg there are so many people! I’m having fun introducing myself to new people here and there. I met Diane Whiteside in the lobby tonight (gooey fangirl squee moment!). And of course it’s great to put faces to names of people I’ve only met out in blogland.

And I’m utterly exhausted and can’t remember what day it is. And I haven’t even had any alcohol, so I’m blaming nonstop running from place to place for the loss of brain cells.

And tomorrow is my ‘busy’ day. Oy! But I’m having a blast.