Day 10 of the 12 Days of Demon Island

8 Days Until Surviving Demon Island releases! :fire:

One week until Christmas! :holiday4:

I’m guest blogging on Writeminded today and giving away an autographed copy of Surviving Demon Island, so make sure to hop over there and enter for a chance to win (Big thanks to Sharon, Larissa, Steph, Jan and Amy for asking me to come play over there!) :xmascheers:

The toy run was fun yesterday! Not as many bikes as last weekend, but the weather was warm and gorgeous and we had a blast! Met some friends for breakfast first, got there early this time so we were near the front of the bike line, which meant the ride wasn’t as much starting and stopping. Last one of the year and lots of toys went to the Salvation Army to distribute to needy children, so we were really happy about that. :charlie:

So once again it’s Monday and I’m really going to try to have a to do list this week. I know, I know, it’s the week before Christmas, which really means anything productive is a wash. But I have deadlines. Really serious deadlines. Which means no matter what, I’ve gotta write. In between doing other fun, holiday stuff.

So here’s my “To Do” list for the week:

1. At least 5000 words on Born to Be Wild. 10,000 would be better, but I’m trying to be realistic here.

2. Talk incessantly about Surviving Demon Island to anyone who isn’t sick to death of hearing about it by now :bat:

3. Bake cranberry bread

4. Grocery shopping for Christmas. *gag*

5. More baking of some fun stuff. (said *stuff* to be determined later. A cool and easy ‘nut mix’ recipe I got from Rachael Ray’s holiday special is definitely in that ‘stuff’ category though)

6. Eat. Junk food. One of my good friends sent me cookies. (I love you Jamie :heart: ). My ass does not thank you, but my taste buds do.

7. Last minute wrapping of a few gifts.

Okay, what’s on your To Do list for the week? Dont’ forget to post here for your chance to win in the contest. Only 3 days left of prizes!!!