Is it Monday again?

First of all, not only did I cross off almost every item on my to do list last week, I not only hit the 10,00 words on Wild, Wicked and Wanton, I wayyy surpassed that goal. I kicked major ass. I finished the book! Yeeeee hawwwwwww! I wrote 12,000 words yesterday alone and finished that baby! Yes! Yes! YESSSSS!!!!


Now…onto this week’s “to do” list….

1. Edit Wild, Wicked and Wanton

2. Shopping for the RT Convention (I *heart* shopping*)

3. Read book for quote (already started this *grin*)

4. Package up ‘stuff’ for mailing

That’s enough to do this week. I really want to get edits on WWW finished this week so I can get it sent out to my critique partners for comments. I have a June 1 deadline on that book so must hurry. 🙂

What’s on your ‘to do’ list this week?