A Good Day!

Yes, we do like to bitch and moan on blogs, don’t we? But today I actually had a good day (Not counting having to get up at 5:30 to go to work).

I got the cover to my upcoming Ellora’s Cave release, and as soon as I slap this photo software around a bit I’m sure I”ll figure out how to upload it. DREAM ON was more than the book of my heart. Writing it came from my soul. Yeah, I know that sounds like writer BS, but I sobbed writing this book. I guess it just ‘got’ to me.

I also found out that my RWA workshop proposal was accepted! Fellow Ellora’s Cave authors Cricket Star and Mardi Ballou will be presenting a workshop on Erotic Romance at the RWA Convention in Reno, NV in July! I’m so excited. I’m also so wanting to throw up! But still more exited than nauseous 😉