The Week Ahead

I got nothing accomplished this weekend due to a wicked evil migraine that hit Saturday, probably because my brain knew I wanted to write all weekend and it decided that was a really bad idea. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

So I spent the weekend in a drug-induced stupor (prescription drugs, y’all). Watched television, took naps (I do love naps) and did….nothing. I probably needed it, but I hate migraines. I hate being useless when I have so much to do…when I have…DEADLINES!

I finished reading one of the ARCs I have last week. I’ll be talking about ARCs on my blog this week. (tease tease tease)

I watched The Dresden Files last night. I haven’t read the books yet, but I have the first book coming from Amazon. Anyone watch? What did you think?

Anyway…back to work today and it’s time for the To Do list.

1. Writing! Work on Born To Be Wild
2. Work on Demon Hunters proposal
3. Work on blog posts for this week – ARC blog post and one about the booksigning I have coming up next month
4. Work on bookmarks for Wild Wicked and Wanton
5. Work more on blog tweaking
6. I really need to go to the Post Office. Have things to mail out.
7. Await arrival of RITA books to judge (more reading!)
8. Await more revisions from editor on Hunting the Demon (I know they’re coming…)
9. Place ad in Romance Sells

Ugh. That’s a long enough list. I can feel my head pounding already.

What’s on your To Do List this week?