NOTE: The Contest is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered!

I have ARCs for TAKING A SHOT and I’m giving them away here on my blog!

I’m going to give ten ARCs away. You don’t have to do a review, you don’t have to promote the book, all you have to do is be one of the winners. (Though if you have a blog and you want to review the book when you’re finished reading it, you’re more than welcome to).

The only thing I require is that you have to come here and check to see if you’ve won, and then you’ll have to email me if you’re one of the winners (I’ll post notification info after I list the winners). I’m in the middle of writing two books right now and I don’t have time to search out the winners. This will make it easier on me, and hey, it’s all about me, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

To be entered to win, post anything you’d like. Tell me about your weather. About your dogs or cats. What your kids did that made you laugh. Hawk your favorite makeup. What you’re having for dinner. Your favorite song. Or just say I want to win! Anything.

PLEASE NOTE: I’ll choose the winners on Wednesday night by 8 p.m. Central time and post their names on the blog, so be sure to come back to the blog here to see if you’ve won, because I won’t be notifying you. And if winners haven’t claimed their prizes by Friday at 5 p.m. central time, I’m redrawing for new winners.


Must be 18 years or older to enter.

Void where prohibited.

Open to international entries.

Good luck!