Vacation? I don’t have time for vacation!!!!!

Picture a writer with her hands up in the air, her hair sticking out and flames shooting from every pore of her body as she looks around her house and office in wide-eyed panic.

There you have it. Me, preparing to go out of town for a week.

I have a book to finish. Correction – I have a book I REALLY REALLY need to finish. I have proposals to work on. My house has been taken over by the dust bunnies, clutter creatures and dirt devils and I’m too tired to fight them off. Did I mention I had a book to finish? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, leaving town early Sunday the 12th and returning Friday the 17th. It’s actually one of Charlie’s annual work events but we’re stretching it out a couple days and taking a little vacation. It’s at a resort in Mississippi with casinos and a water park, so it really should be fun. Plus I can write on the long car trip, and maybe even *gasp* read a book *gasp*. The downtime will probably be really good for me. Sometimes it’s good to de-stress. At least that’s what they tell me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Promise to miss me, okay? *g*
