Monday Recovery

We had a really long Thanksgiving weekend. I did NOTHING writing productive. Nada. Zip. Zero.

But I really think I needed the rest and recharge. Been burning both cylinders for months and months and I was approaching burnout.

But Charlie was off work for 5 whole days, which is extremely unusual, and I wanted to spend that time with him, not working. So we ate, we took some bike rides, did a ton of Christmas shopping, went out to eat, I cooked a turkey, we watched college football (OU Sooners won!), went to the movies and saw Deja Vu (Denzel still rocks!) and just generally relaxed. It was nice. Really nice.

This week it’s crack the whip on revisions, though. Gotta get Hunting the Demon finished and out the door.

Back to the To Do List:

1. Hunting the Demon Revisions

2. Work on Christmas Card List

3. Start wrapping gifts for shipping

4. Stalk UPS man at front door (hehehe…lots of stuff should start arriving this week. I *heart* internet shopping).

That’s it for me. What’s on your To Do list this week?